Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I hate going to the hairdresser

This picture is awesome. My trip to the hairdresser was not.
Also I had such a horrible time that I have decided not to go to ANY hairdresser again for a year.
March 23rd 2011 is the next time I'll let one of them come near me.

Friday, March 19, 2010

I'd Rather not say...

This is my cousin's favourite school story I told her last year.

So I had to send a kid out of class one day and before I could get to talk to him in the hall the principal was knocking at the classroom door.

Principal: "I think (little boy's name) is ready to behave in class now"

Little boy: Nods his head with a sad face on

Me: "And I hope your going to use appropriate language in class as well?"

Principal: "Oh.....well i hope so" (Looks at boy)

Boy: nods and is sent back to his seat

Principal: "So, what exactly did he say"

Me: "I'd rather not say"

-Principal brings me into the hall -

Principal: "So what did he say?"

Me: "I'd kind of rather not say..... "

Principal: " No, go ahead"

This is where I don't remember if I could look the principal in the eyes or not......

Me: "Kiss my Asian balls"

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Playground conversation

lets take some bets...I think this will last 6 month....tops.


So I was at school A week ago and this is a conversation with a red headed grade four who is chubbier than the boy in this picture.

me: "Hi, How are you today?"

him: good. (turns to his friend) "how are you today?"

other boy: "good"

him: "This is my best friend (says name).

We met on the bus this year. I poked him and then we were friends.

It was the kiss of friendship....actually it was the poke of friendship....buuuut the kiss of friendship is a real thing.

It's in the medical dictionary."